Fernham is a very pleasant village in the heart of the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside. The village consists of 79 houses, 3 farms, a fantastic pub and a church. The community spirit in Fernham is very strong and is quite often one of the reasons people choose to live here.

Each year the village organises a traditional village fete, treasure hunt, village walk, boules contest and fireworks night. Running is a popular activity in Fernham with a number of fitter villagers running in Marathons. We also have a book group and regular safari suppers where we have great fun trying to find which house we should be eating which course in.

This site is intended to be a place to find out the latest news, plan events, and join the discussion of all things related to Fernham. If you are a villager and would like an account feel free to fill out the registration form, or if you are not a villager but feel like you still need to access the private parts of this site, please use the contact form to contact an administrator and they will get back to you shortly.

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Oxfordshire Artweeks 2021 Comes To Fernham

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Swimathon for Cancer Relief and Marie Curie

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